Blue Damask 3 Column

Thursday, April 7, 2011

21 Day Challenge - Day Tres

I think I'm getting the hang of this organization thing...that is, until it comes time to organize my closet!!!! Then, I'M OUT! Just "they" say, "I'm in it to win it!"

Day Three challenge is to organize your Tupperware cabinet. Although, I don't have a Tupperware cabinet...I have more of a Rubbermaid/Glad/whatever is cheapest plasticware cabinet! ;)

Here's a before...

Here's after...

There you have it,, there needs to be a challenge of "Getting out the Random Yellow Stain on Your Cabinet!" I know you saw it & I know you were talking about it too!!!! :)


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

21 Day Challenge - Day Two

Well, I'm actually a day behind, but I have a good excuse! My power was out pretty much all day yesterday until 10 p.m. The awesome Crock-Pot dinner was ruined, my 21 Day Challenge was ruined, and I was even going to start to decoupage....just kidding about the decoupage part! ;) BUT, I did start an awesome Yoga class yesterday!! Thank you, Gina! It's called Yoga for Teachers and it was so nice and relaxing...I even fell asleep for about 10 minutes! What a difference 10 minutes of snooze time makes!

Anyway, Day Two challenge was to organize & clean up the computer desk (top only!). Most of the junk that was on there didn't belong, so I put it in the proper place. It didn't even take ten minutes to finish! That was an easy one!



Wow! It's amazing what a little Glass Plus can do for ya! ;)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

21 Day Challenge - Day One

Woo Hoo! I'm soooo excited to start this 21 Day Challenge! The 21 Day Challenge is from A Bowl Full of Lemons. It can be found here I'm hoping it will get my butt in gear and get organized! Lord knows I have tried so many things, but never finish.

Day One Challenge is to organize your junk drawer. As you can see here, it needs a lot of organization!

Who knew I had so many batteries, lighters, thumbtacks, Tupperware lids, and Box Tops that I never bothered taking to school or, at least, letting the kids turn them in at their school. Come on, Stephanie, get it together!!!! Here is the drawer after some organization.

There you have it...the big reveal! Doesn't look like I got rid of much, but, believe me, I did! Can't wait for Day 2 Challenge!!

Want to join me on this Challenge?