Blue Damask 3 Column

Sunday, June 20, 2010

First Blog EVER!!

So, my friend, Tara, has been talking all about her blog and I remembered a time several years ago when I tried to start one, but it was too darn hard for me! I couldn't get past trying to make it so cute that I didn't even get to typing a blog! Needless to say, here I am, AGAIN, trying to do it again!

I guess I will try and post interesting things that happen in my life. Maybe about my quest to be a super organized person, my wish to have the perfect body or just life, in general.

Something kind-of exciting that relates to me wanting to become an organized person is that I did start by working underneath my kitchen sink. It was a big mess...bottles after bottles of bleach cleaner. I also had about 3 Windex bottles all about halfway I condensed and got to cleaning!

Here it is before...

And, here it is....after...

As you can see...I am still learning...couldn't get the darn pictures to line up right. This is why I quit before...I'll try a few more times.... :)